Meet the Artist - Anne Corr

Meet the Artist. The place where I introduce YOU to an artist through a "virtual" interview via a set of questions. Let's begin.
Anne Corr
Nottingham, England
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Who are you, and what is your background?
Hi there! My name is Anne Corr - I live in Nottingham, England which is about as far from the sea as you can get in the U.K.! Unfortunately, as I love the sea. I have a husband and grown-up children, and an adorable rescue dog - if a bit needy. I enjoy living at home because for fifteen years we lived a two-county existence which demanded a lot of travel.
What is your favorite medium?
That is tricky - I move in and out but currently, I enjoy working from the pc and designing surface pattern design. I use Photoshop a lot and work with both photographs and images from past masters.

I have a strange condition called aphantasia which means I have no means of visualizing -- so my memory is non-visual too. I cannot recall people's faces (even my son's!) or places that I have been. I rely on what I see around me to create. (It can be difficult for others
to get used to. I live very much in the present as I don't recall a great deal). I used to paint much more than I do now. I may get back to that, but when I worked away from home I became interested in using images digitally for ease of workflow, as much as anything.
Has your practice changed over time?
I change constantly. I have a great love of literature and words, so those infiltrate what I do (see my blog to believe me!), I create handmade books that reflect my curiosity in literature, the arts, and nature. I love the physicality of making my handmade books, playing with creating new covers, new end pages, new wraps -- my handmade work is not particularly lucrative as is very time-consuming -- but the rewards are fantastic --it grounds me and creates reflective, thinking-time.
What do you most enjoy painting?
I love the natural world, particularly botanical illustration. I love going back to art history
and reworking it for more contemporary decoration. I also enjoy painting from my own
photography. This is a direction that I am attracted to at the moment. I created some digital paintings from a holiday in Cornwall that I enjoyed, and I spend a lot of time in Scotland because of the landscape there. [see ]
What jobs have you done other than being an artist?
I started my working life very early, at 14 (spare time) in a sweet shop! I spent time in retail jewellery, then a management training course at M&S -- it wasn't for me. I worked in a printed packaging company for about 13 years before I had children. It connected me to a love of graphics.
What food, drink, or song inspires you?
Wine, wine, and more wine!! I will interrupt it with a cheese break now and again - whilst listening to the Waterboys or Van Morrison! The Waterboys are my go-to when I am working at the p.c.
What has been your favorite response to your work?
Being told I am a 'Renaissance woman'!!!
I am often really moved when I read messages from my customers, particularly from [modestly] Etsy. My books get wonderful responses, and it makes my world very much more connected when someone tells me that my work has had particular meaning for them. It is the fuel to my creating more.
Professionally, what is your goal?
To improve. I constantly want to create better, both in my hand-crafted books and in my surface pattern designs. I look to new outlets, and wonderfully have started to sell limited edition prints locally, as well as moving into fabric design at Spoonflower - Designs by anipani
What's your best piece of advice for someone who wants to get started as an artist?
Play...try anything that sparks an interest in you, and practice a lot! There will be frustration involved in making anything, but the process itself brings rewards. It is a wonderful way of living a meaningful life. Failure is part of the process - and only helps you learn more.
Thank you, Anne. Your artwork is just wonderful. I am sure that you will have many new visitors to your sites.
For more of Anne's work here are her links:
Society6: Designs on prints and products
Blog: Books, art, and life
Pinterest: Gallery of her pins
Displate: collections
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If interested in "Aphantasia" here are some books/audio that pertains to this condition:
by Alan Kendle, Peter Baker. Audible Audiobook
by Josh Windrow. Paperback
Thank you for visiting this "Meet the Artist" blog post. Thank you, Anne Corr, for sharing your background and artwork with my visitors.
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