What's Your Routine?

6:30 a.m. (almost every day)
Eyes open.
Head for the bathroom. Take morning pills.
Feed the cats
Close the bedroom door, so my husband can keep sleeping.
Check the litterbox while the kitties are eating.
Go to the art studio, where I get my laptop and put in my hearing aids.
Check my email.
Check Facebook.
Make my tea.
Let it cool a bit while I watch Morning Joe.
Get a plate for my Giant bakery muffin. Eat half, trying to get a cat off my shoulder.
The cat thinks a bite of muffin would be nice. Not.
Head for the Art Studio to paint.
This is my morning routine. Every morning except Sunday, I make coffee (because my gastroenterologist says I should have coffee occasionally). 🫤
I would love to hear from you. Do you have a morning routine?
Do you have days that you feel it's not gonna be a good day?
If something throws you off, does it affect the rest of the day?
Tell me about your routine. I promise that I won't share or chastise you. We all have "those" days.
Drop a quick note in the comments. (scroll down under this post)
