You're an artist. What's in your studio?

YOU are an ARTIST. What's in your studio? What's in your head? Do the supplies and objects surrounding you inspire you? In an earlier post, I featured what inspires me: There is inspiration everywhere. One can be inspired, however, but the studio has to have the tools for you to bring that inspiration from brain to paper, canvas, clay, jewelry, mosaic tile, or simple sketch.
Now that I am settled into our new home, I love being in my studio almost daily. If you consider adding items to your home as a crafter, hobby, maker, or painter, here are my suggestions. I post those that I use frequently in my business, but I include supplies others have told me they had used, which assured me that the purchase was a good decision.

Many artists today are using digital art as their process so I will start with some devices, some of which I use even though the bulk of my artwork is traditional, ie, painting and drawing with brushes or pen. If you are younger than me (lucky you) you might choose an apple pen over paper or canvas. (Don't worry will cover the traditional items for you in this post).

4. Make Great Art on Your iPad (Paperback)
5. Epson Perfection V600 (This is my scanner)
Now, let's take care of the basic art supplies:



Paint to Music, Video your artwork, and Post to Social Media

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